Tag Archives: siteseeing

Crouching Tourist Hidden Parking Space


Two of the things to make peace with right away, while site seeing in China, are tourist bathrooms and parking (or lack there of in some cases). This excursion was no exception tourist toilets come in varying qualities good ones will have doors and the ability to flush.  Don’t expect western to toilets or for paper to be provided and don’t count on hand soap or the ability to dry your hands. I’m just saying.

On our first stop to Yellow Mountain which was rural village Huang Cun.  It is actually a little past the Yellow Mountain but that is besides the point.  We were let off the bus maybe a kilometer or so early as we approached the line of traffic waiting see the historic village.

A busy day at the historic village.

We were told that the village was founded in the Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE) but that many on the architectural elements are from the Ming (1368-1644 CE) and Qing (1644-1911 CE) dynasties.  You could easily get lost in winding narrow alleyways and possibly fall in the water, if you aren’t cautious, as much of the village is surrounded by a lake and the water source runs through the village. More pictures of the village later.

Part of the 2000 film, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was filmed in this village.  I will have to watch it again to see if I can recognize any of the locations.

My travel companions listening intently to our tour guide.

We only spent a couple of hours in this little village.  Proper exploration of this village and its intricate workings could easily take days. When we left our driver had made it to the entry way, patiently waiting and ready to drive.  That man loves to drive.