Tag Archives: books

Phrase books and Hot pot


My weekend is rapidly coming to an end.  It feels like it was really short.

Yesterday was kind of a crazy busy sort of day.  Today has been much more tame.  We went to the bookstore, as a special request of mine, for a phrase book.  I was embarrassed to have forgotten one, but it turned into a group outing because I wasn’t the only one. This little outing landed us at The Foreign Language Bookstore which, if you like books, is awesome.  The sales guy seemed happy to have some practice speaking English and reported that the library is across the street, if we want other books and has five star facilities (restrooms).  This is good to know if you have seen some of the restrooms in China.  (Perhaps more on this topic later).

We had Sichuan food for lunch and Hot Pot for dinner and while I am somewhat concerned that prolonged Hot Pot consumption will have an adverse effects I am enjoying it quite a bit and have come to the  important realization that one of my problems with spicy food is that I am just too impatient to give it the time and attention it deserves.

Tomorrow I am back to acupuncture in the hospital maybe I will have something more profound  or interesting for you then.